Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This year was a very good year and one of the best I might say because of many reasons
which I can fill a whole entire book with. It was crazy, Ive never had so much fun before
Ive never met so many interesting and friendly people before, Ive never gone to so many places
before. List of things that happened to me this year
1) Made alot of new friends
2) Started driving
3) Started college life
4) Went to many places
5) Did alot of crazy things
6) Met alot of chicks( haha kidding, ladies)
7) Cheated death
Well as for those people who cant let go of the past, all I have to say is I feel sorry for you
because the past is the past. Let go, people change and they are not so important because
they never made it to your future. There is no such thing as friends for life, its kinda overated
because eventually they are going to move on and head different directions. I learn this from experience because I make new friends every year and lose another batch the year after.
I wont be suprised if the ones that are close to me now walk off, and I wont be bitter because
thats the way it is.
By far this has been the best year ever for me. Every new year is the best year to me and
that only means things can only get better. I look forward to every coming year and I never
look back because the past is seriously for pussies. Next year I hope I get more things done
and be more serious when it comes to doing things because next year is a really crucial year
for me. I want to live everyday like it was my last, but it is not as easy as said because of this
thing in my "programming". It is like a feature, which was etched on me at birth. This feature
is called the lazy bone. My new years resolution is to get rid of it. I wanna be like that dude in
the movie YES MAN, except that part about getting blown by an old lady lol.
So I shall keep my promise next year. Say yes to every opportunity that comes as long as
it does not really threaten my life, it does not involve anything vice, it does not hurt anyone else,
and it is what I want. Anyone who catches me being lazy and not keeping my promise, slap
me into reality. Remind me about my pact. I want to see where this brings me. No more too
lazy to drive wherever, no more lazy to see this dude, no more lazy to meet your friend
from Johor, no more lazy to go to this stupid place cos of parking, no more lazy to finish up
assignment cos its only due next week, no more bullshit and no more crapping. Time to be
serious, *i wish*
With a new year,
comes new possibilities.
I wont shed a tear,
for past memories.
Time to keep on moving,
and dont ever look back,
life`s ever changing,
there is no room for slack.
With new comrades,
they keep you away from the gallows,
no regrets,
no sorrows,
Live your life,
and test your luck.
Continue to strive,
or you get fucked.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
What day is it?
For the first time in years I actually spent christmas somewhere different and better. I used to spend most of my christmas in Gurney or at home. Which is actually quite lame because it is a usually a countdown and thats it. I had mine at sunset bistro and It wasnt half bad. For once I actually went chirstmas shopping which isnt something I do all the time, infect never O__o.
In an unrelated note, Ive beginning to really drive like a Malaysian driver. Damn at times I feel like a real ass wipe but it is actually quite fun and it saves time. Ive been cutting lanes and being very stingy with other peeps cutting mine. When I was driving my KL friend around Penang, I ran quite alot of red lights and at one occasion I ran two in one go lol. There was this dangerous U turn with a red light and I ran it too. Was kinda in a rush I guess, so many places to go to, so many people to see and yet so less time!!
Im very glad my friends came from KL too, because if not for them I would never go to places in Penang which I would never dream of going on a normal weekend lol. Usually around december would be a very long holiday, but I feel that these 7 days have compensated for that and its time to hit the books, for real this time.
I cant believe so much things can change in a year. How many things can happen in 365 days? How many friends can you make in 12 months? How many friends can you lose in 52 weeks? How many regrets can you have in 8760 hours? How many happy memories can you make within 525600 minutes? How many times can you mend your heart within 31,536,000 seconds?
(sounds like some email forwarded by some chinese ED chick right? ahhaha)
Ill be back soon again for Chinese New Year holidays, which will last for about 2 weeks.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
I knew I can never rely on you
Day 5
Went to hotel to bring tour group to breakfast at some dim sum place. After that took a long drive to kek lok si temple. Drove all the way to the top, was freaking scary cos the hill was damn steep and Im using manual lol. Walked up and down the whole kek lok si and walked down to the asam laksa stall. Not my favourite but the group seemed to like it. After that, drove to gurney and walked around for about 2 hours because we wanted to avoid the jam. Had dinner at song river and after that we decided to try the revolving restaurant again. AND this time they were open BUT we needed reservations so screw it. After that sped all the way to sunset bistro and had some drinks there. Counted down there and sent them back to the hotel. After that I nearly got killed.
there was this drunk dude who was driving crookedly which kinda freaked me out cos he was driving straight at first. He just sorta tried to cut into my lane right infront of me when I was going 80, I nearly got hit by the side. I was scared to death after that. Please do not wish me "drive safely" anymore lol. Everytime someone wishes me that, something bad happens. This time I got lucky.
Day 6
Met up with friend from mainland and we picked up the group from the hotel. Had char kuay teow after that. After brunch we lead them to the place where they sold tau sar biscuits before visiting the sleeping Buddha temple. After that it was goodbye to them before I went to gurney. Met up with Jesslyn and William and watched Spirit. After that Joyce picked me up along with Kwen and we headed to Lymynns place and had dinner after that. After dinner Kwen and Joyce stopped by my place and that was it.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Truth is you can stop and stare
Day 1
Came down from Kl with friend. Was suppose to depart by 6:30 but ended up at 9 cos we overslept lol. Went gurney with kwen and mich. Didnt watch a movie but hung out at secret recipe, coffee bean and walked around new wing. Nothing much to see there but there are certainly more shops. At night went to poh hean`s house for drinking and poker games. Alot of laughter involved lol.
Day 2
Stayed at home, did nothing. Just caught up with some sleep that i lost during the previous hectic week. Picked up kwen and played dota at my place till like about 3 and had to send him home.
Day 3 (most tiring day)
First met up with kwen and joyce in gurney. Had sake sushi for both breakfast and lunch. Went walking around window shopping. Played pool and thats where we met up with Jolene and Li mynn after that. Watched a movie, Yes Man for the second time =.=
After that we hung out at coffee bean before i met up with Jenny where we watched The Day The Earth Stood Still.
Day 4 (today)
Went Gurney, YET AGAIN. Met up with kwen, Rachel and Belinda in some funky chinese restaurant and had lunch there. Finally, I met the illusive Belinda who studies in my uni lol. Hung out during lunch and just talked alot. Went to coffee bean again where we met up with John. Watched another movie, Space Chimps(not my type). Walked around alot after that and went home. Met up with Kian Min in Pulau Tikus with his tour group. Brought him to the revolving restaurant but it was closed. WHAT THE FUCK. so early haih. Paiseh. Because of the bad weather couldnt go anywhere either so they had to go back to the hotel.
Day 5(tomorrow)
1) Bring "tour group" to kek lok si temple
2) Go gurney(AGAIN!)
3) Go revolving restaurant
4) back to gurney for countdown
5) sleep like a rock
This holiday so far has been quite good, I was able to meet up with many of my friends and aquired quite a number of new ones. I take my words back upon not looking forward to this hahaha. I still have about four days left here and im gonna fricking LIVE it.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
One night...
Well today is somewhat, kinda screwed up and yet there are some good parts.
Well lets see what the screwed up parts are first
First I had to print my english portfolio stuff, but the computer labs have been so full lately. There are like people crowding infront of the printer waiting to look for their printed stuff. My friend then suggested to me that I print at his place because he has a printer. When we got there I started printing, bad news was there was something wrong with his MS words. The printed stuff didnt come out right and some stuff in the text were missing, IMPORTANT STUFF. Well I had to show my teacher my folio today so, I decided to go back to the computer lab and test my luck. When we got there, it seemed to be really full but I managed to find a computer. I tried to print my stuff but for some reason, nothing comes out. I was thinking wtf, so I changed to another empty com, no luck as well. I found out later that my account has ran out of money WTF!! My friend let me use his account to print and I had to rush to english class. When I got to english class my teacher said she only wants to see the folio tomorrow. blardy shit... I skipped breakfast and lunch for nothing? Had a really big dinner just now lol, was hungry as hell.
Well the good part?
Was there even a good part about today?
haha well the maths test, yes yes the maths test. Well the paper isnt as hard as i thought it would be but none the less I dont think Im gonna get really high grades for it but I do expect atleast a pass for this one. For once I could actually do derivatives happily and screw up statistics. lol go figure haha.
What else is good about today??
Im one day closer to going home and away from this place.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Check Yes Juliet
Anyways I had a conversation with my friend regarding our plan for the trip home earlier and I got most of the things settled already. We are going to Penang by car and we are departing at about 5 am. This made me realise something, that Im coming home in like less than four days time. Shit Im fricking coming home!
After 2 and a half months away from home Im finally coming home. God, even the sound of it sounds good, Im finally coming back accross the bridge back to my home surrounded by blue. I seriously cant wait. I will be back for about 8 days, it doesnt seem much but it will be enough for me. I cant take it any longer being here, its just been so much hell lately.
However this holiday home will be somewhat bittersweet, because after my holiday will be my finals where I will have to deal with 5 papers. Thats a real bitch really. I wont be able to relax and enjoy my holiday with the thought of 5 papers waiting for me when I come back to this shithole.
Im sick of
1) Seeing the white walls of campus, EVERYDAY
2) Seeing the same faces, EVERYDAY (no offence guys :p)
3) Sleeping and waking up on this hard ass bed, EVERYDAY
4) Eating the same crap and going to the same places, EVERY WEEK
5) Doing the same shit, EVERYWEEK
5) not being with you
Sadly you do not exist
I have yet to find you
Yet to meet you,
to see how you look like
to feel you
to listen to you
to touch you
Everytime if I do find you,
You turn out to be one of THEM
Please come to me
I really need you
dont forsake me
I will be waiting
for you
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The past
Got some fucking nice ass speakers
When I was looking for the speakers, I looked for one that had really good bass. Unfortunately my command of mandrin sucks like shit, so I had to rely on my friend as a translator lol. I hard a hard time looking for good speakers, infact I had a harder time looking for the speaker section because it was in an entirely different floor.
Things that are shit in pc fair:
1)too crowded
2)damn hot
3)have a hard time looking for stuff
4)requires stamina
Things that are good in pc fair:
1)hot chick promoters
2)alot of stuff to see
3)nice prices
Met Shirley in KLCC. Had lunch and all, wasnt bad meeting her after a year of absence lol. Talked alot of crap about secondary school yada yada yada. Was suppose to go pavillion to meet up with the old gang tho, but I had earlier planned to go to pc fair so sorry guys. Bumped into Mei Hui today, like TWICE. First time was in the ktm station, she was in the same train as me and I didnt realise for the whole 45 min ride till she called out to me when we got off lol. Second time was in the ktm as well. We were in the same train AGAIN, and this time in the same compartment lol. She called my hp and I realised she was just 5 meters infront of me. How blur can i get =.=
Did I mention that I absolutely adore my speakers?? hahaha but my neighbours will not be too happy about it tho...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
uoy etah gnikcuf I
Anyways if you have to ask, Ive not been bike riding alot lately because of quite a number of reasons.
1) Too much work
2)bike had to be serviced
3)papers are too near
4)bad weather
6) some guy got killed in my neighbourhood
Im not kidding some dude seriously got killed in my neighbourhood. It scares the shit out of me.
Do you know how defenceless I am on a bike? haha. Anyway i will continue my normal routine in due time. This is just not the very best time of my semester to delve into such trivial matters, although I think Ive been gaining alot of weight i think. Due to the lack of excercise I have been having quite a number of problems such as lethargy and insomnia. Damn.. these past few days Ive been feeling like real shit.
Well being here for so long only proves one thing to me. That I really have nothing to look forward to anymore. My life has turned blank all of the sudden. I know ive been ranting about this all the time on my blog but seriously its kicked in hard this time. Nothing here excites me, I laugh at the most ridiculous things, nothing interesting ever happens and everyday is just exactly the same. Im just in a very stoned stage right now, its like my mind is going through hibernation while the lights are still on. I really have no mood to entertain anyone anymore, I cant stand the slightest of annoyance anymore, I get more irritable and I sometimes angry for no apparent reason. I do apologize to anyone if i have been acting weird but its just a temporary phase im going through now.
Normally I would say that going back to Penang will make me feel better, but not this time. I feel if I go back to Penang Ill have nothing to look forward to doing. No one special I need to see, nothing. Everything has changed now. The past always seems like a pleasant warm place and the future is a cold desolate place where colours seem to fade. This year started off good, everything was nice, I didnt have much problems, much worries and everything went well. Now this year is sort of ending with a bad note. To be honest Im really beginning to hate this year, especially this month. Everything has been so confusing and frustrating, not my studies but just everything else.
I am not looking forward to Christmas
I dont give a shit about it
All im interested in now is getting my speakers in PC fair.
Finally I can pump the bass and drown out all inferiorities of life
This is not an emo post
Im so sorry I had to post it up but its 3 in the morning now
and i cant Fucking sleep
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pawned and Owned
Monday, December 1, 2008
A reason to smile
People can use you
They can take you for granted
They can choose to ditch you or not
You are only there because you have a wallet
People can push you around
They have the right to be rude to you
The only reason you are around is for a purpose
People think its ok to mess with you
They think that your patience level is very high
You are not human and you have no emotion what so ever
People think your existence is wear and tear
Well let me tell you
everyone has a limit
you may find yourself in a position where
and me lighting you up like a chirstmas tree
Then I finally have a reason to smile
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
The fact that my teacher doesnt really teach and the pace she is going doesnt really help either
Well on a lighter note I didnt screw maths up much to the disgust of quite a number of people in my class. No worries, that was just a fluke(altho i wish there is more to come). There are many more examinations to come anyways (whoop de doo). Im going to back to Penang around the 2oth for about 5 days, I hope my homies back home are free lol. After that I wont be back for quite a long long time because there is not long break after this sem and before the next.
I have quite a few pics and videos which is would like to upload here but my phone cable isnt really helping so it can wait i guess. Will update soon about bike rides and pranks and some other crap haha. As for now a huge BRB.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
yet another Malaysian Moral Story
He would always ask them to study hard and finish their homework and would punish them if their exam results were bad. His sons of course feared their father and do as he says. But there was one son who stood out from the rest, Ah Khang. Ah Khang wasnt like his bring brothers who studied hard and get good results. Ah Khang was a very slow learner and he isnt a very bright student in class either. He would always day dream in class and not pay attention, much to the frustration of his father. He was constantly canned by his father and at one point his father gave up on him. His father always called him a dumbass and he was always looked down by his brothers.
"Dumbass can fail engerish also arr?"
"Dumbass biolegey also dunno arr?
"Dumbass, exponential function also dunno how to do arr?"
"Haiya dumbass peliodic table also dunno harr??
This took a toll on Ah Khang and in the end he had no choice but to help his father in the hokkien mee stall. Ah Khang had always wanted to make his father proud, but everything he did seemed to just anger his father. Ah Khang was miserable and he slaved over his father's stall for many years.
Mr Ng was getting really old and he couldnt work in the hokkien mee stall anymore. He was suffering from lung cancer because of all the cigarettes he has been smoking. He sought help from his two elder successful sons who have graduated from university and had successful careers and beautiful wives. They ignored their father's plight and paid for the hospital bills but never visited him. Mr Ng was very sad, all he had now was Ah Khang.
On Mr Ng's last day on this mortal earth, Ah Khang decided to pay his dad a visit. He knew he had been a failure all his life and the least he could do was atleast show that he still appreciated his father's hard work and devotion. When he opened the hospital bedroom door, he saw his father lying on the hospital bed, weak and pathetic. With tubes sticking about and an oxygen mask covering his mouth. His father couldnt speak at all because of his condition. The priest stood there saying Mr Ng's last rites. When Ah Khang step forward to his father`s side, all of the sudden his father started squirming and he looked like he was in great pain. Ah Khang said, "Father, what's wrong?" The priest handed Mr Ng a pen and paper and he wrote something on it as fast as he could before his death. Ah Khang was shocked, without even looking at the paper he folded it and put it in his shirt pocket and gave his father a hug.
At the funeral, Ah Khang was suppose to say a speech regarding his father. He was at a loss of words and didnt know what to say. He sought the help of the priest and the priest said "Dear son, remember your father`s note? It might contain his last meaningful words and you can use them." Ah Khang was very excited and he grabbed the paper out of his pocket and walked out in front of the all mourners. Before he delivered his speech he read the note. It said
drag your cursor from one inverted comma to the other
"You Dumbass, get your foot off my oxygen pipe..."
Moral of the story, study hard....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Another Malaysian Moral Story
Because of this, he is sometimes abit paranoid. He always suspects that his wife is having an affair with another man because she feels lonely during his absence. He is constantly spying on his wife while he is at home doing things such as looking through her text messages, checking her dialed numbers in her handphone and constantly questioning her. Mrs Lim is of course not pleased at all with this and defends her case scolding her husband. Mr Lim is of course not satisfied.
Weeks go by and they constantly quarrel over this matter. Their daughter has to bear with their heated arguements when her father comes back from work and she is very confused. Sometimes Mr Lim would walk out of the house and drive to the local pub at night and chat with his friends. One day during his drinking sessions, Mr Lim`s friend Ah Beng suggested to him to call home during his work hours. This way his daughter will answer and she will tell him whats the situation at home. Mr Lim thinked hard about it and decided to give it a try because the plan seems simple and harmless.
On the very next day while at work, it was nearly lunch time so Mr Lim decided call home.
When someone did finally answer, it was a little girl`s voice
"Hello dear, is mummy at home?"
"Yes she is daddy."
"Good, where is she?"
"Oh, she is in the bedroom with Uncle Tom."
"Is that so?" He sounded very frustrated and angry. Then he continued
"Dear, can you do daddy a favour?"
"Of course daddy"
"Stand outside the bedroom, and shout "Mummy! Daddy is home!"
"Ok daddy."
The receiver at the other end of the line was put down and little foot steps could be heard. Moments later, surely enough there was a voice shouting "Mummy! Daddy is home!"
Shortly after that there was a sound of someone screaming, the window breaking followed by a loud thud. Then the receiver at the other line was picked up again.
"Dear, what just happened?"
"Oh, I shouted to mummy and then she panicked, Uncle Tom freaked out and jumped out the window from the upstairs bedroom into the swimming pool. We emptied the swimming pool yesterday because we wanted to clean it. So Uncle Tom is in there now not moving and there is alot of blood."
"Swimming pool? Upstairs bedroom? Whats this? Is this 04-2278909? Opps wrong number!"
**phone goes dead**
Moral of the story, trust your own fricking wife =p
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Malaysian Moral Story
Being part of the army meant that he had to go to different places, executing missions around Malaysia and sometimes in other countries. He worked really hard and he had volunteered in many countries fighting and sometimes helping people who have suffered from things such as war, natural disasters or any tragedies. Naturally he would be away from his family quite often and he only sees them once every few months, but being a patriot he is willing to bear this sacrifice.
His family has always feared for his safety but they are well aware that his job is a noble one and it pays the bills. However one day there was a war going on in Arab and duty called. He had to go to Arab for a rescue mission because a VIP from Malaysia who was there some unknown reason got caught in a crossfire between some rebels and millitants before being kidnapped. The Prime minister was very worried so he made this mission top priority.
While arriving in arab Captain Ali noticed the weather was extremely hot and the surroundings were very barren. Its was a complete place of misery as the paths were dusty, the sun danced evily around your head and there doesnt seem to be any sign of life as the weather was just too hot. Captain Ali wasnt faltered by his surroundings, he just wanted to carry on with the rescue mission and go back home to his family. On the next day at the crack of dawn he and his platoon will set out to the danger zone and bring the VIP back.
The following day at the crack of dawn they set out into the desert to travel to the danger zone which is about 3 hours ride. As the terrain was very bad and the whole area consist of tall sand dunes, they used camels as a form of transport. Ali wasnt used to this, but very quickly he learned how to ride the beast and continued with his journey smoothly. His platoon consisted of 40 men who didnt look very Malaysian to him. Some fo them were from Malaysia but from different states while the rest were arabians.
Halfway through their journey, they were suddenly ambushed by rebels who were all armed with AK-47s. The sudden attack caused a sudden shock among the men as most of them panicked. Ali watched as some of the men from his platoon got killed by the gun fire. He did what was right and fired back at the rebels. Soon everyone fired back at the rebels, but there were just too many of them and they had to retreat. Ali watched in fear as there were dead bodies about and riderless camels running about. He had no choice but to ride off blindly into the open vast desert. He did not know where the rest of the survivors went but he just carried on running.
Earlier there was an Arabian guide leading the platoon but now Ali had to depend on his instincts to find his way back
He rode alone in the scorching desert and tried recalling his way around the desert. But everywhere looked the same as there was just sand and cactus. He was in a very panicked state as he didnt know what to do and his only company was the camel he rode on. He went about blindly for about 3 days. Depending on the cactus for water and killing little desert critters for food. He was going crazy as the weather was driving crazy and he felt very desolated.
On the second week he was already raving mad. He was cleary malnurished and he didnt have any human contact for 14 solid days. The one thing which he most enjoyed at home was sadly, his sex. He has gone for about 14 days without it and he is getting really desperate. With the feeling of dread, he looked at his camel. "No, no way! I wouldnt ever do that!" But the tought of it kept going through his mind. He was really really desperate so one day he just tried it. He just kept trying to get at the back of the camel. But the camel would run off everytime he tried and he is left on the ground. He was still determined trying to get back on the camel and finally get this over with, how he wish there was something he could tie the camel to.
This went on for about day. Him trying to get on the camel`s back and it just running off leaving him behind. But somehow luck was on his side. All of this "running and chasing" has brought him towards a rural road. There was a really pretty Arabian woman there with car trouble. Ali had to pull the camel towards her direction and asked her what seems to be the problem. Said her car had some trouble starting. Being a very handy person Ali helped to fix her car.
While Ali was fixing her car he would look back at her nervously. Staring at her with lustful eyes. When he was done the girl said. "Thanks for helping me, I am now in your debt. I would do anything for you! Anything!" she said to him with the most seductive look.
Looking at her with the most lustly and nervous look he said " Anything??"
Then she smile back at him with the most seductive look ever " Anything..........." she said slowly
It took awhile for Ali to let it out. He looked at her timidly, and with the most pitiful eyes he said
"Will you hold this damn Camel for me?"
Moral of the Story, Miracles do happen! Just we dont know that its happening right infront of our faces
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ghost Rider
Speaking about bike riding Ive been doing it alot lately, it feels great really. When I said bike riding im not talking about riding to campus and back, Im talking about riding around my area exploring different places we didnt usually go using cars. To make things easier I ride around with some of my housemates at night, ranging from about 9:45 to 11:15. Around these times we would be riding out because the temperature is clearly cooler and the traffic is lesser.
At first we rode around my neighbourhood which is a small area, just riding in circles from block to block. Just riding around talking alot of crap and observing the people living in our area. After that we advanced to riding in the neighbouring neighbourhood which is much more vast and the roads are slightly more winding and there are more uphills and downhills. After that, we rode from the neighbouring neighbourhood towards the shop-lots very close to our neighbourhoods. There we have much more space to ride around and we get to observe the small bars and restaurants nearby. The place is dark, some of the shoplots are abandoned and gloomy, and there are many stray dogs wandering around which makes it more thrilling. Currently, we have expanded our route into our campus. Seems like a normal ride to campus but we actually ride inside and around the freaking huge compound. The campus grounds looks very very different at night compared to the day. The place somehows seems bigger and its surroundings are very gloomy. The up-hills there are killer as we had to paddle like crazy to make it to the top but of course it would mean the down-hills are freaking awesome. The wind blowing into my face, the slight drizzle splattering about while dashing down a freaking slope.
Well enough about that, I mainly wanted to talk about what happened about 2 hours ago. The usual route we take in campus would be entering from the back entrance, riding up to the hostel area using the walkway to the SA building then up towards the steep hill towards the sports centre. Usually we would ride to the kapas house which is all the way at the end of the campus but we decided to make a few rounds around the basketball court. There were some people playing in the pitch darkness but we didnt really mind them. They were only using 1/4 of the court while we rode around a few rounds on the smooth court grounds. After that we proceeded to the front of the admin building which was kinda hard because the hill is kinda steep. After that we decided to ride around the path of the lake. Well lets just say the pathway was kinda creepy because there were trees by its side and there was hardly any light so the vision ahead was very bad. At first the path was a straight road and I could roughly see ahead. Then I realised that the path was about to curve in and I couldnt see ahead and It was freaking dark. At the moment I felt really uncomfortable, like I was being watched. There was some weird lapping sound on the lake water like something was there waiting.Immediatly I put on my brakes and told my housemates to turn around. Something really, really didnt feel right. As I was the one leading the way, when we were going out I was the one furthest behind. I was really hoping my housemates would pedal faster because my back is now exposed to whatever that`s there. It was one hell of a creeped out feeling.
After that we rode home and that was that. Im not turned off from riding my bike at night. Infact Im determined to go back there and ride the complete round around the lake when im mentally prepared lol.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Angelic Horns
Anyways I wanted to talk about helping others. Do you believe that from helping others you will feel good about yourself? Do you think you are doing the person good? Well I grew up being told not to be too helpful to people because its mostly a waste of time and nothing good will come of it. Well I was totally against this and I feel it is really, really bad not to help someone in need. Somehow, helping people has mostly landed me in trouble more than anything else. Im not pissed at anyone at this moment or in a bad mood, I just wanna voice out this point thats all.
There was this one time, in secondary school where I found this wallet on the floor. I looked into the wallet and found out that the owner is a classmate of mine. When I returned it to him, i thought he would be happy that he got it back but I was wrong. He looked into the wallet and found some money missing and accused me of taking it. Whats wrong with these people? Anyway he proceeded to telling his mum who called me that night. She was asking me questions in the most interrogating way which got me nervous. She assumed that because of my trembling voice, that Im guilty. Fine, I dont care, that guy isnt really a good friend of mine but the worse part is when he told my classmates about it which really really screwed me up. Sure I had some friends who backed me up but none the less my reputation got ruined because it got to the other classes. It was just twenty bucks missing, was it really worth it to do that to me? In the end the discipline master knew I was right because a real thief would take the money and dump the wallet. Dude if you remember this and you are reading this. Come find me again, i`ll throw 50 bucks right into your face and you can keep it, thats a promise.
From experience I have always helped many people with stuff and I found out, the more you give , the more they wanna take. This isnt the olden days anymore where helping someone would mean that one day he would return the favor and save you life or something. This is 2008 where many people are manipulative as they are. I didnt say that helping someone is wrong, but when the person keeps asking for more, it gets really annoying and you are doing this for what? A sincere(more like fake) thanks just isnt good enough anymore. Ive seen most of my friends who would just give and give and give. But in the end what do they get from it? They become more like a slave than an angel to the person.
I would again like to stress that Im not angry or something, I just wanna voice this out thats all. Take a look at your friends and the people you roll with. Do you think they are really your goodfriends or just some certain people who use you, manipulate you or just talk to you when they are bored. Yes a person may seem like a sincere friend that talks to you or spend time with you, but when his or her other cronies come along you get chucked aside used socks. Im quite fortunate not to have friends who are like this(hopefully).
Anyways its not only people you know who you should be aware of. There are stories where people who plead for help by the side of the road at night and when the samaritan comes along he gets a knife pointed at his face and his car stolen. There are people who would give an unfortunate person a ride home and get raped. There are people who help young children in need and get their money snatched right under their nose. There are people who finacially help others but in the end get conned of their money. So is it right to be right? I feel sometimes doing something right(good) can go really wrong.
You wanna help the unfortunate? Throw some money in the donation box. Enough said.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tagged by Kwen
1. If it was the last night on earth with your past, what would you do?
steal a car, preferably a sports car. Fill it up with a full tank and speed around lil` Penang
2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
I mostly have nightmares, sorry Im not telling
3. Do you have a malicious mind and how bad does it goes?
quite bad really, dont think you wanna know
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Beach House, House by the Hills, Ferarri, Invest, Donate
5. Pretty but fat/Ugly but slim, which one would you prefer?
I prefer being a virgin
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
7. Is there anyone that you've waited and how did it last?
I never had to wait for people, it`s more of the other way around ;)
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
move on?
9. If you like to act with someone, who will it be? your gf/bf or an actress/actor?
Sorry I dont like acting infront of my better half.
10. Will you invite for Ex bf/gf to your wedding dinner?
sure, makes the feeling of regret stronger :D
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
hopefully somewhere in question 4
12. What's your fear?
ZOMBIES omg! hahaha
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
childish kwen!
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
if I was rich, I wont be married, I would have alot of mistresses right????
15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
get up and hit the shower.
16. What kinda girlfriend/boyfriend do you think you are?
a horny one accodring to many people..
17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
who would i pick?? how would you know?
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
depends on the seriousness of it. if it was a personal matter which is sensitive, I never forgive and forget.
19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
both paths are equally f**ked up.
2)Zhi Yuen
7 days
I was quite glad that I am able to adapt rapidly when I got here because the time management at home is waaaay off compared to here. I sleep much later at home while I have to sleep super early here just to get in class. During college days I didnt really have to wake up early because I drive. But here I ride my bicycle so it takes slightly longer but it is good excercise for me. There is of course the issue of food, but I can handle it I guess. The catering isnt exactly that good but it suffices so I cant complain.
Today I finished class at about 12, had lunch with friends at some mamak place in semenyih. After that we headed to campus because some of them wanted to go to the sports complex. But when we were about to park we had some car trouble because somebody banged jess`s car door and smashed his mirror. It was some african guy and we had to reason with him. After some yelling, shouting, reasoning and discussion the guy decided to get his mirror done first before going coming back to us for the money. We had earlier planned to go to sherene`s place but they wanted to play squash so Jess, Stef and William decided to go to my place. We played some cards there before going to sherene`s place in edu square. The place is quite big and it reminded me of the hostel which I used to stay in. According to sherene there are alot of pretty girls there. Ill be the judge of that haha. After that as Jess was about to reverse out we bumped into the african guy again. The cost was only thirty, so Jess gave him 20 because he was partially at fault.
Nothing much happening tomorrow. I was suppose to have morals tomorrow but I got exempted from it because I did the subject before. Home alone....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tagged by Jessy
2. Your five impressions towards her/him.-
maths teacher =D
3. The most memorable thing she/he had done for you.-
promised me she will come to Penang =(
4. The most memorable thing she/he had said to you.-
5. If she/he become your lover, you will....-
use her to get to her sis haha jk :p
6. If she/he become your enemy, you will....-
write something abt her on the blog haha
7. If she/he become your lover, he has to improve on.
- get a nicer ride! :p
8. If she/he become your enemy,the reason is...
- she slapped me somewhere which hurt like nuts!
9. The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
- tell her something she shouldnt have heard hahaha
10. The overall impression of she/he is?
- quite a nice person to have around
11. How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
- they laugh too much =.=
12. The character of you for yourself is?
- im called the horny beast for some reason =(
13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
- lazy as hell =/
14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
- horny beast :p
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Now and Then
Goodbye Kwen
Goodbye Jenny
Goodbye Daryl
Goodbye Mich
Goodbye Danny
Goodbye Steph
Goodbye whoever I missed out
Hello Jesslyn
Hello Yen Wynn
Hello Larry
Hello Zhi Yuen
Hello Housmates
Hello Foundationmates
Bye Bye Holiday
Monday, September 29, 2008
Heads or Tails? Your pick
Usually when my holidays are about to end, I keep quiet and seem to be in some sort of daze. This is because I just automatically feel lazy when my holidays are ending. During the beginning it felt like heaven, 2 and a half months of comeplete freedome. Now Im already in the zone, Ive seriously never had a holiday this long since primary school. Feels great really, but getting back into routine, is gonna real hard for me. Having to wake up early again, going back to class in a zombie state. 2 and a half months whizzed by like two weeks.
Somehow this holiday made me feel like im in a different time line. It almost feels like another year because of the length and its repetitve nature. The fact that I studied in a different college this year before entering Notts made it really feel like a different year for me. Imagine, making new friends in the beginning of the year and then midway making friends with a new different set of people while still keeping in touch with the old ones. Actually, before I entered Notts I was in this college, as a precaution just in case my results couldnt qualify for Notts. At the beginning I was thinking to myself, if my results did qualify, this would be a huge waste! Complete waste of time and money! Two of the most essential things in life. But somehow at the end of it, the feeling of regret never came to me because of the friends I made. I made alot of good friends and thankfully very amazing ones in my previous college. This goes to show that many people think that time and money is supposed to be spent on whats important while they are missing out on many other more important things.
Well Im leaving on Thursday so im planning an outing sometime soon. But somehow there seems to be so many things preventing me from doing so *sigh*. Firstly, my friends have many assignments to do and are busy as hell. I cant do shit about that, then aside from that my car road tax has expired( of all times!!). Well dad told me, if I drove the car out with the road tax expired I might get jailed. Imagine that! Nah its not that bad, It`s just if the insurance is not valid or something like that Im not sure. Hell this holiday being so long is bad enough, but going to jail? Thats freaking insane.
At these kinda times I feel very unlucky because of the sheer chance of it happening to me at this time. But, I have no right to rant about it, Ive been lucky, REAL LUCKY. There are uncountable incidences where Ive came to close calls with hell loads of shit and got out of it, due to sheer LUCK and a dab of fate of course. Infact no one has the right to question their luck, most people only see the bad side of it and dont realise how lucky they are. Self pity, loathing and envy is what they feel when shit happens. Ive felt it too but I dont take it seriously.
enough said... sleepy as hell! not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep ZZZzzzZZzzzzZzzz
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh hot damn! this is my Jam! Keep on partyin` till the AM!
Well the day started like this, had to pick kwen up from his place around 7, had to wake up around 6:30. After that Danny and Steph gathered at my place so we could get in my car and make our way to Jolene`s place which is way, way far somewhere at Relau. I now only realised what a pain in the ass is it for her to go to college everyday lol. After picking her up she took us to a dim sum restaurant somewhere not far away from her place and the food there was quite good. Cracked alot of jokes, alot of ahem ahem jokes, not a very healthy breakfast table conversation but still very funny.
After breakfast we found out that we dont have smart tag or touch and go so we had to go back to Jolene`s place to get a touch and go card from her uncle. After that went to Maybank to withdraw some money then the trip started. Throughout the whole entire trip we talked alot of crap, jokes, gossips you name it we talked about it. Jolene was the navigator wooooow, something very similiar to what those chicks in death-race do haha. She kept an eye on the GPS, the speed and watched out for cars that wanted to take over from behind. Speaking about that, I realised this trip, that there were alot of cars taking over mine. It got me kinda baffled. First a classy Mercedes took over. No suprise there, then after that an old BMW, I didnt really care either. Suddenly a Waja took over and I was thinking maybe Im going abit slow, after that proton saga, I was already baffled. When a Kancil took over me I was going WTF!! I kept thinking why is this happening? Has my car horsepower gone down? Is there something up with my engine? While I was thinking I saw someone sleeping beside me at the front passenger seat and I said "ooo ok.. now i Know!!" LOL!! (WHO WAS SITTING INFRONT HARR?? haha kidding buddy)
Halfway we rested and Danny took over the wheel. I was quite thankful that time because I was feeling kinda sleepy at that time. However Danny was determined to keep us all awake with his CRAZY PRO DRIVING SKILLS. Damn Scary, but he knew what he was doing. Hell, we came to some real close calls screaming our asses of while that guy just chill at the wheel. By the time we reached the waterpark I was so eager to get out of the car lol.
When we reached the place we were kinda disappointed because the guy at the ticket counter told us that most of the good rides are closed for maintainence. We were all kinda pissy at that time because the only rides left were all the kiddy ones. The whole damn place was empty and all we did was chilled at the wave pool, there weren`t even any waves!! We walked around alot, looked at some tigers in an enclosement and got so bored till we played at the kiddy area.
After that we found out that the dry rides are on so we played on the flying chair, pirate ship and the flying ship. Nothing much really but atleast it was something. After that we went for lunch at some cafe there. During lunch we decided to go back early and hang out at Queen`s bay when we got back. Was quite disappointing really. However our luck changed after lunch, we were told that the closed rides are back on and we literally sprinted there forgetting about our previous plans! Had a blast after that. Here let the pictures do the talking!
Today is someone`s bday as well. Happy bday Jolene :D
Big credits to Danny. He is the real lifesaver of this trip. Super pro driving and even more awesome pics. You rock man! And to the rest as well for being such good peeps :p
Sometimes in life, its not only the destination or the journey, its the people you roll with.. peace =)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Phing Pong
The last person to tag u is:Jolene
What relationship of u with him/her:close friend
Your 5 impression towards him:
1.Kinda Funny
2.Nice to have around
3.Too merciful to certain people
4.Screams louder then a fire alarm
5.A good friend.
The most memorable thing that he/she has done to you:Cant think of one, everyday with her is memorable(awwww)
The most memorable words that he/she said to you:Chao TURTLE!!
If he/she becomes your lover, you will:Get a safety helmet, some body armour and a whip LOL
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will: Try to be her friend again? =.=
If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on?: Has something to do with height lol!
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is?:She kicks me in that special place
The most desirable thing to do for him/her is?:Donuts, best form of bribery
The overall impression of him/her is?:Hot as fire, and still as chilled as ice.
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?:Funny or Horny your pick.
The character for yourself is?:Im a nice guy, deal with it.
On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?:Being indecisive yes and treats people better then I should.
The most ideal person you want to be is?:Myself.
For the persons who care and like you, say something about them: There is a reason why you guys feel this way and I feel the same too =)
I decided to leave the last part out because I feel it is rather pointless really.
This tag is up for grabs.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Behind the eyes of a Psychopath
Then there are those who just dont get it, thick headed people who are slow in understand or just downright fucking stupid. Cant you tell when someone is angry and not in the mood? Cant you just for once be considerate and dont annoy me please? Sometimes I feel some people just know it when im pissed and just want to continue to make me more pissed off for the fucks of it. Watched holloween? Want me to grow up into that guy? I feel sometimes the dude and I think alike, watch it.
Things not to say to me when you think im moody,
1) Good for you la
2) Just do it la
3) HAHAHA nenene
4) So what?
5) Who cares?
I mostly cant stand it when people are being sarcastic with me and just dont listen. If you wanna be sarcastic with me go fuck yourself, I cant stand people who are just not straight forward.
Enough about that, Im planning a trip to lost world of tambun on thursday. Invitation goes to close friends only. I dont like it when I have to tell someone that he/she is not invited. Im just sorry man, you dont fit the agenda thats it. If I go somewhere with my friends, and say why didnt invite you? Then what? Ive gotta invite everyone I know? You think that many people can fit in a ? Go on your own la sozhai... Same things goes on other outings and parties of course.
I keyed in the place in my GPS earlier and found out that it is exactly 117km from my place which is about 1 hour and 20 mins drive, which is good. I just hope the trip goes well and im really looking forward to it.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tagged by Kwen and Jo
Name: Ronald Teoh
Sisters: none sorry..
Brothers: 2
Shoe size: 8
Height: 165cm
Where do you live: Penang, somewhere near Pulau Tikus
Have you ever
Have you ever been on a plane: Yes
Swam in the ocean: Yes
Fallen asleep at school: rarely
Broken someone's heart: nope.
Fell off your chair: yep!
Saved e-mails: yes
What is your room like: simple room, very very white(i meant the colour)
What's right beside you: My mobile.
Ever had Chicken pox: yeah
Sore throat: Of course.
Broken nose: No
Like picnics: Their ok i guess
Do youBelieve in love at first sight: nah thats for pussies.
Who was / were the last person(s)You danced with: Can't remember
Last person that made you smile: I dont think i smiled today, maybe my cat
Today did you
Today did you talk to someone you like: nope
Kissed anyone: no
Get sick: NO!
Miss someone: No
Eat: yes
Best feeling in the world: hanging out with friends in a nice place
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No.
Is there a person who is on your mind now: No.
Do you want children: Yes
Do you smile often: no.
Do you like your hand-writing: Im used to it, but I cant say i like it.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Anyone`s bed as long as the person is hygenic
What color shirt are you wearing now: topless
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m. yesterday: Thai restaurant, bro`s bday had to drive like some madfella to Jo`s party after that.
When did you cry last: Cant recall.
Are you a friendly person: yeah quite.
Do you have any pets: 4 dogs, 2 cats and hell load of fish
Where is the person you have feelings for right now: I don't know?
Did you hold hands with the person who mean anything to you now: No
What are you doing right now: Relaxing
Have you ever crawled through a window: Yes
Can you handle the truth: Yes.
Are you too forgiving: I never had to forgive people, but when I do I usually dont
Are you closer to your mother or father: Both are equally close I suppose.
Who was the last person you cried in front of: some forgotten primary school friend.
How many people can you say you've really loved: I cant say.
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you: Don't think so.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time:only among strangers and adults
Are you confident: not all the time
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
1. Playing alot of little games with friends
2. Most cunning student in school
3. Eating as much as I want
4. Watch the tele all the time.
5. Catching frogs, it`s what i do..
5 snacks I enjoy
1. Jelly
2. Ice-cream
3. Fruits
4. Chocolate
5. Cakes
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
1. Investment
2. Deposit my cash in the bank.
3. Donation
4. Spend it on things that i always wanted(nice car, beach house etc..)
5. Share it with the woman of my life, whoever she is
5 jobs I've had
1. Some converyer belt job in my mum`s place.
2. Box folder.
3. Quality checker in my mum`s place.
4. -
5. -
this tag is up for grabs
Friday, September 19, 2008
Im in a world that takes them away..
Well nothing much happened actually, just met up with Carmen after God knows how many months. Haha, Auntie Phang remember you still owe me 50k ive been waiting!! Well the one thing about going out with Kwen is that you`ll meet up with hell loads of unknowns, not suprising especially prune tits is so damn popular LOL!
*YAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNS* fucking tired here, havent been out for awhile and ive been out from 12 to seven something.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tagged by JuLi
If you could spend one ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on?
Food I guess
What is your most favorite thing to do?
Hanging out with my friends
What kind of news do you read?
Any news in general
What would you give up in return to eat all you want in the world and not get fat?I have no idea!!
I`d give up my fats..
Is there someone in your heart right now?
Do you believe you can survive without money?
Silly Question..
What are you afraid to lose the most?
Friends, but they come and go..
What do you feel like doing right now?
Going out
If there's someone that you love,would you confess to him/her?
If I got the mood
List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Innocent, cheerful and everything nice = =
What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Must be pretty most definitely, patient, not shy and it doesnt hurt if she`s abit crazy, just ABIT
What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
Cheating lying slut
If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you had a choice to be rich or happy,which one would you pick?
If I got rich, Id be happy definitely.
If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
Be more decisive!(like she says)
Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
Certain special peeps, you have to be fking awesome to be one of them
How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
In a corporate office or in the streets pushing drugs..
What is the one thing you love about yourself?
Im a nice guy, cant you see that?
If you can bring only one thing along with you to another world,what would it be?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Disturbia, figure this shit out!

First I took a look at what caused all these rustling, and i had to gather all the balls I had to go outside and see what the hell is causing all that rustling. Well not suprisingly, It was just a cat. Freaking cat has gotten me awake during my exam period 2 months back, you little SHIT. I deliberately bought tuna to lure it to me so I could STRANGLE it but apparently this cat is smart. It always ran when I show up, yeah you better run!! This cat somehow is kinda weird, because it waits for me before I actually chase it as tho to mock me. Anyways im just kidding, I wont strangle a cat thats crazy = =
Well back to the creepy part, the cat only bothered me for 3 nights, same old black and white cat. On the fourth night however the rustling started again, so i got out of bed as usual to go outside armed with my trusty broomstick to shoo it off. Funny thing is this time the cat wasnt there, I tot perhaps it knew i was coming so it ran off. Thinking nothing of it i went back to bed. Minutes later the rustling came on again and this time i heard the garden rocks rattle as tho someones digging in it so I peeked out my window. No sign of the furry creature, funny. Well it was on going and it was getting me abit nervous. Everytime i peeked out the rustling would stop and when Im just about to doze off it starts again. I got freaking scared and just slept fitfully. Well it happened for the remainder of the week and I got used to it. Not sure what was going on, perhaps the cat learned how to hide in the bushes or something else, I dont wanna know.
Hmmm according to some of my coursemates my neighbourhood is notorious for these kinda "stuff". During the last month of my semester Ive heard quite a number of stories and experiences from different ppl about their encounters. Seriously, after hearing all those stories i felt kinda creeped out because I use to be quite carefree about wandering in my neighbourhood in the dark. My housemates and I did quite alot of crazy things at night last time such as riding on our bikes topless around the neighbourhood and joking about laughing our silly asses of in the dead of night. Might I add that the strech we rode in wasnt lit at wall with street lights and we only followed the light ahead of use so we just went straight. That time it didnt feel too scary but now being in the car has already got me vexed enough.
There one of the reasons why I complain about living in such a "quiet" neighbourhood. Im freaking bored here seriously, I need to go out. I havent been out much since the KL trip. I cant wait for this week to end and then its off to my usual plans again. 5 more days, Ill be patient, PATIENT. PATIENCE, its really running out seriously. =(
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
September Rain

My holiday is ending sooner then it should. Originally I was suppose to return to campus on the 5th of October but my registration for 2nd semester is on the 26th of Sept. If i return on the 26th it means that I have to stay in KL with nothing to do for a total of 9 days, why me?? Hmmm well atleast I can let myself adjust during this week. My timing has all gone screwy cos ive been sleeping and waking up during odd hours.
C`mon guys finish ure trials quick XD!! Im already feeling the sucky september already, sigh. It`s been real boring lately because there is absolutely nothing to do. Still during exam period there seems to be quite alot of drama and incidents in college as well. Hmmm typical, im actually not too suprised cos how else to pass the time? NOOOO I dont wanna go back to KL YET! It`s not my time!! Back to the old quiet peaceful life..
Friday, September 5, 2008
Get on my Lap, QUICK!

Well Sam is leaving for hong kong tomorrow. Good luck to her. Well about her she was someone from my ex secondary school who i met randomly from the internet. Mainly because of some video of me as a duck lol. Well I wasnt exactly close to her but we talked online alot last time. When I say alot i mean ALOT, but somehow when I see her face to face we`d like turn shy. Funny girl she is always bending her head down hoping not having to look at my face haha. To make it worse my friends who dont even know her at all kept screaming her name and mine infront of her scaring the poor girl,which made things worse.
I still remember she was the roomate of my classmate as well who would sometimes pass messages for me. Which sometimes her roomie gets real frustrated and she once shouted at me "Im not your FUCKING owl!!". That was how underground we went and we hardly talk face to face. Saying a hi was also quite a rare thing lol! Well this went on for about a few months but we still kept talking online. Funny how we can talk casually online but grow real quiet infront of each other. Still we shared alot of secrets and gossips i guess, just like any other friend i know, only thing is i hardly hear her voice.
As fate would have it, I didnt have a prom date for the coming prom and I had to look for one. One night she came online and I was like, what the heck why dont I ask her. Well it took some convincing and in the end i got a yes =D. I got abit nervous at first because i just remembered that we hardly speak and to make things worse, we were both sitting in different tables. But when the night came everything went smoothly. Altho we sat in seperate places, we walked around quite alot and talked alot. I found out in person she is actually quite a pleasant person to talk to. She looks much better in real life too hahaha. The night got better when i managed to steal a few dances(I didnt know she could move like that O____o) with her and took nice pics. If only I got to know her better back in school. *sigh*

Thursday, August 28, 2008
You will all BURN
1) car wrecked
2) completely broke(down to zer0 no kidding)
4)nothing to do but watch tv
5)nothing to watch on tv
6)many new new movies but no one to watch with
Well hmmm lets see, screw going out the exams are too near! Lets go hiking, yes weee makes you guys less guilty wohoo. Hmmm whos going? Wooo lets see, 5 guys one girl and 3 mountains. Haha kidding. I just got back from spending the last 4 hours watching tv and my head is buzzing with randomness. Usually i wouldnt be watching tv for that long but there were two good movies showing one after another. First was mummy, old movie but nothing else was on during that time so what the heck. Watch Bradon Fraisier and his fake acting, then after that watched V for vendetta. I never seem to get sick of watching that show because i dun understand shit when i watch that movie.
Honestly, i actually cant wait for my holidays to end and return to my quiet little neighbourhood in Semenyih. It seems the longer I stay in Penang the more chaotic things get. Everything seems fine in Semenyih, I dont have to drive, I dont have to do shit. Its much more peaceful and carefree there somehow. There I dont have to worry about the money i spend, the things I do or the stuff I eat. Because when Im there my shape is at it`s best because I actually do excercise there, which includes riding my bike. Dont believe me? Go try it i lost atleast 5 kg riding my bike and still have the luxury of eating all the junkfood i can grab. Call me a countryboy but sometimes i need a break from the big city as well.
Like many have said, this holiday is too effing long and I feel quite worthless just hanging around waiting for miracles to happen. The KL trip was the WORSE thing that ever happened to me during this holiday. I have slight regret going there because of the amount of shit it caused me. Infact i can say it ruined my freaking holiday. Dont get me wrong, the trip was good and i had a really good time but it was the sacrifice i had to make to make it a success. There i blew half a month`s allowance and wrecked my car. It drained alot energy in me and somehow ive lost the holiday mood after the trip. I dont have the strength to endure the sucky September ahead.
I have good friends, but sometimes their attitude really shows the negative side of them. Im sick of people with attitude problems and the worse is when they cant keep their word or lie. Sometimes i feel some of them are manipulative and would drop me anytime just like that. Then there are those with really bad attitude,bad temper,zero tolerance and irresponsible people who get angry over little things and the amount of crap i have to swallow everytime. As for the childish annoying ones, you know who you are, dont fuck around with me next month, not in the fucking mood. I didnt mention any names, and i didnt specifically point at anyone(no offence).
Getting my car done tomorrow, hopefully i dont have to wait to long to get it done. I need a ride, anyone willing to pick me up? Guess not.. =(
Sunday, August 24, 2008
1) One U
The trip on the was was smooth and we didnt have much problems getting there..
SkyBar was freaking awesome because the place was freaking classy and the jams played there were awesome. The view surrounding the the open air bar is good. It`s located on the 33rd floor of trader`s hotel which gives an excellent night view of Kl. Take a look for ureself
Unfortunately, the trip back was a real shit. The weather was quite bad and vision was quite poor, and i hit a divider in the highway, my lights and bumper need to be replaced. Not long after that the one of the tyres got puntured and had to pay some guy 50 bucks to git in the spare. It was freaking shit and im fucking pissed now..
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Get Down Hit The Floor

