It`s now around 12 something and Im already feeling sleepy. It`s been like that for about a week already, it still kinda early(for me) and Im already falling asleep. Perhaps it`s just my body reajusting itself for my new semester in uni. Somehow, even with my eye lids heavy I am very reluctant to go to bed because my holiday is ending and I dont want to waste a single moment of it. When normal peeps at home have holidays they dont go far away from their friends, they dont get yanked away from their favourite food, their car and the comfort of home. I get all of that first-hand. Im not saying that other people dont get that, it`s just I get it extra because Ive been going back and forth from KL since form 4 in my boarding school. Because of that I lose alot of friends.
Usually when my holidays are about to end, I keep quiet and seem to be in some sort of daze. This is because I just automatically feel lazy when my holidays are ending. During the beginning it felt like heaven, 2 and a half months of comeplete freedome. Now Im already in the zone, Ive seriously never had a holiday this long since primary school. Feels great really, but getting back into routine, is gonna real hard for me. Having to wake up early again, going back to class in a zombie state. 2 and a half months whizzed by like two weeks.
Somehow this holiday made me feel like im in a different time line. It almost feels like another year because of the length and its repetitve nature. The fact that I studied in a different college this year before entering Notts made it really feel like a different year for me. Imagine, making new friends in the beginning of the year and then midway making friends with a new different set of people while still keeping in touch with the old ones. Actually, before I entered Notts I was in this college, as a precaution just in case my results couldnt qualify for Notts. At the beginning I was thinking to myself, if my results did qualify, this would be a huge waste! Complete waste of time and money! Two of the most essential things in life. But somehow at the end of it, the feeling of regret never came to me because of the friends I made. I made alot of good friends and thankfully very amazing ones in my previous college. This goes to show that many people think that time and money is supposed to be spent on whats important while they are missing out on many other more important things.
Well Im leaving on Thursday so im planning an outing sometime soon. But somehow there seems to be so many things preventing me from doing so *sigh*. Firstly, my friends have many assignments to do and are busy as hell. I cant do shit about that, then aside from that my car road tax has expired( of all times!!). Well dad told me, if I drove the car out with the road tax expired I might get jailed. Imagine that! Nah its not that bad, It`s just if the insurance is not valid or something like that Im not sure. Hell this holiday being so long is bad enough, but going to jail? Thats freaking insane.
At these kinda times I feel very unlucky because of the sheer chance of it happening to me at this time. But, I have no right to rant about it, Ive been lucky, REAL LUCKY. There are uncountable incidences where Ive came to close calls with hell loads of shit and got out of it, due to sheer LUCK and a dab of fate of course. Infact no one has the right to question their luck, most people only see the bad side of it and dont realise how lucky they are. Self pity, loathing and envy is what they feel when shit happens. Ive felt it too but I dont take it seriously.
enough said... sleepy as hell! not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep, not gonna sleep ZZZzzzZZzzzzZzzz
8 years ago
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