Ive been having this weird cough after having a few cans of beer
last night. Feels like Im having some asthma attack, because I just
can't stop coughing even as I type this post out. Its not like I cant
breath properly, but everytime I breath in "too much" air I just
cough like crazy. These aren't normal coughs but violents ones.
I can't laugh either, everytime I need to laugh I cough, lol it sounds
crappy, but even if I try to sing along to the radio I cough too!! Its
a sign :(
Anyways about the previous post, Im very glad that the response wasn't
too violent and most of them managed to spot out their flaws, while others
are just down right clueless. Only two people managed to get it right on their
first guess which is more than I expected lol. I do want to make an apology
if there are those who feel offended, if there is anything you want to say
just take it out on me.
This semester is a very long one and although it felt like its been forever,
we still have about 3 months ahead of us. Thats how much longer Ill have
to persevere before I finally get to go home and see FUG!!(now isn't that
a bitch?) It has been four weeks already and assignments are pouring in,
tests are coming soon and tutorials are getting more confusing. Not the
first time this is happening anyways lol.
last night. Feels like Im having some asthma attack, because I just
can't stop coughing even as I type this post out. Its not like I cant
breath properly, but everytime I breath in "too much" air I just
cough like crazy. These aren't normal coughs but violents ones.
I can't laugh either, everytime I need to laugh I cough, lol it sounds
crappy, but even if I try to sing along to the radio I cough too!! Its
a sign :(
Anyways about the previous post, Im very glad that the response wasn't
too violent and most of them managed to spot out their flaws, while others
are just down right clueless. Only two people managed to get it right on their
first guess which is more than I expected lol. I do want to make an apology
if there are those who feel offended, if there is anything you want to say
just take it out on me.
This semester is a very long one and although it felt like its been forever,
we still have about 3 months ahead of us. Thats how much longer Ill have
to persevere before I finally get to go home and see FUG!!(now isn't that
a bitch?) It has been four weeks already and assignments are pouring in,
tests are coming soon and tutorials are getting more confusing. Not the
first time this is happening anyways lol.
The only way to approach a woman with a bad past is with a good present.
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