Friday, March 12, 2010


Dear friends, today I shall take a drastic step to resolve a problem we
have been having for a very long time. We'll it isnt exactly a very big
problem but Im just gonna help anyways. This post will be dedicated
to curing cinaism(cina.ism). Well what is cinaism you ask? Its when
our beloved english language is spoken wrongly in a way where it
changes the meaning(not the grammar). The grammar is for your
english teacher to correct not me. Im not here to poke fun at
anybody but just to make people aware of the mistakes they make
without even noticing it and hopefully they will change it.

Well for one thing, those who have this cinaism problem, they tend
to assume that words that sound the same have the same meaning.
Im not sure where they get this idea but let me show you some examples.

OMG~~~ I have splits ants!
The correct way of saying this would be:
Omg, I have split ends.

I will have a burger instant la~~~ ^.^
The correct way of saying this would be:
I'll have a burger instead

WhAt SnAKES You HaVE GoT~~~?
The correct way of saying this would be:
What snacks do you have?

I have put in so much afford, but all in vains leh, haihx..
The correct way of saying this would be:
I have put in so much effort, but it was all in vain, sigh.

I hurt what you said earlier, plx away!
The correct way of saying this would be:
I heard what you said earlier, please go away!

There are more seriously, if I write further it will become case sensitive lol.
Anyways those with cinaism also tend to make words plural for no apprent
reason. Im not sure why they do this but let me show you guys some and
give the appropriate corrections.

HEY GUYS ^___^ I really appreciates your helping*~*~
The correct way of saying this would be:
Hey guys, I really appreciate your help.

Thank for your helps, hehe.
The correct way of saying this would be:
Thanks for your help, hehe.

I will going backs later a bit.
The correct way of saying this would be:
I will go back a bit later.

ThaNk GodS My ExAM OvEr oLeDI!
The correct way of saying this would be:
Thank God my exam is over already.

Well, thats not all. Some sentences are just way beyond repair, to the point
where the mistakes identified are too many. These errors are quite common
and are commonly seen around.

The correct way of saying this would be:
Im bored.

The thing about the sentence above is, the meaning has been completely changed.
You are trying to say that you're bored, but the sentence really means that you
are trying to tell the world that you're a boring person. Dont get it wrong.

My time table is so screwed up, but I try synchronise!
The correct way of saying this would be:
no correction available

One thing about those with cinaism is that when they watch a movie or hear
someone say a nice sounding word, they tend to use it without understanding
its meaning or the way it is used. It is a good effort that some people try
impressing others by using big words, but if these big words are used wrongly
and used in improperly structured sentences they are of no value and you make
yourself look silly because its a waste of a perfectly big word.

Well, I shall stop here. I shall once again stress that this post was never inteneded
to poke fun at anyone, haha who am I kidding?! LOL! Well, I hoped it helped. The
sentences above were taken from wall posts and blogs, these sentences were edited
to prevent humiliation of others. Spank you.

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