Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Abra Cadabra

Function: noun
Definition: The state of being grateful

When you ponder at the word gratitude, what comes to your mind first? Well,
for most of us its simple, it's saying thank you after someone helped you or gave
you something. It is a fact that most of us are very capable of showing gratitude,
but some of us don't realise that gratitude is a must in our social world. Im sure
most of you know a friend or two who are not well known for their gratitude. To
whoever whose reading this, you yourself may not even know that you have the
decency to say those two magical words to whoever.

Its fair enough that you may say thanks to your friends, but do you say it to your
parents? Do you say it to your teachers? Do you even say it at all? The thing about
us is, when we receive something too often, we tend to appreciate it less and forget
about the people gave it to us. Let's look into an example, lets say since you have no
car your friend usually picks you up and sends you to outings. The first few times
you might say thanks and be appreciative, but after a while you get used to it. You
eventually forget to say thanks, and if your friend arrives late you might even get
angry. You see, the scope changes. At the start you know your friend is doing you
a favor, and now you think your friend OWES you a favor. Remember never to
forget whoever you are, keep the gratitude you had at the beginning towards the
end. That way your friends will know that you appreciate them and wont see you
as a liability(parasite). And for heaven's sake, please be sincere.

Of course, gratitude is more than just please and thank you. You can do certain things
such as returning the favor or doing a good gesture towards a friend who just helped
you as a sign of gratitude. Lets take the driver friend example again. Let's say you know
that your friend is picking you up early tomorrow morning, you can show some gratitude
by atleast getting your ass up early in the morning and get ready before he or she arrives.
Since your friend has taken the trouble to pick you up, atleast be sincere enough not to
keep your friend waiting. After all, why should your friend wait for you when he's driving
right? Does he owe you a favor? I dont think so right? You dont even need the slightest
bit of insight to find that out for yourself, you twit.

You can also show those who have helped you a lot with gratitude by giving them your
respect. Helpful friends are not to be taken advantage of, and should be treated well
for their kindness. Ask only for their help when truly necessary, dont push it. If you
have the opportunity to take the bus without having your friend to make a detour,
take it. Dont be such a hassle to the people around you, or you may come to find out
that people will start avoiding you, or bad-mouthing you. For all you may know, it
might just.. be... happening.... right..... now......

Of course, this applies to many other situations aside from taking rides from your
friends. If you owe people money, take the initiative to remember and pay them back.
Dont make them look for you. If you have borrowed something from someone, return
it back. The fact that that person doesnt remember doesnt mean you can keep it! If
your friend cheered you up after something bad happened, be thankful, dont continue
looking for that person only when ure sad and pouring it all on him or her. Depression is
infectious, trust me. When receiving something from your parents, open your gap and
say thanks. The fact that you are their child, doesnt mean they owe you anything, you
didnt earn it. The fact that you didnt choose them doesnt mean they CHOSE you.

As for those who are incapable of showing gratitude or just uttering a sincere thanks, I
look down on you. You are insects among humans, more like parasites. Goodnight.

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