Sunday, August 2, 2009

Subject of the day

The subject today is yes, Girls. We guys usually always think about
Girls and stuff, but do we ever stop and think about them more in
detail? Try and understand them more and see them in a more different
point of view. This is not a sexist post and Im open to any criticism and
perhaps bruises but whatever.

Well the question is, what are they? According to a few sources from
urban dictionary, google and my personal ecounter with them, this is
the data Ive gathered. Lets start with a bit of chemistry.

Element: Women Symbol: Wo
Discoverer: Adam
Atomic Mass: Accepted at 53.6 kg, but known to vary between 40 & 200 kg
Occurences: Copious quantities in all urban areas

1. Surface usually covered in make up.
2. Temperature varies, maybe hot or/and cold.
3. Very sweet if treated properly.
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5. Found all over town.
6. Yields pleasure applied in correct places

1. Has a great affinity for gold, silver and a range of precious stones.
2. Absorbs great quantities of expensive substances.
3. May explode spontaneously without prior warning and for no know reason.
4. Insoluble in liquids, but activity increases greatly when saturated in alcohol.
5. Most powerful money reducing agent known to man.

1. Highly ornamental, especially in sports cars.
2. Can be a great aid to relaxation.
3. Very effective cleaning agent.

Perhaps from a more biological perspective?
Name: Girls

Habitat: Shopping malls

Walking speeds: Average walking speed for girls is 5-6km/h but may reach up to 50-60km/h in their natural habitat.

Feeds on: chocolate, ice cream, money, men

Size: already stated in chemical properties.

Other information
1. Mainly territorial
2. Gossip in packs
3. Is usually accompanied by another female, aka the BFF
4. Has a loud nature
5. Can be the cause of eternal happiness or eternal misery
6. Can bleed up to seven days and still live
7. Top of the food chain( or pyramid hehe)

Or perhaps for a more quantitative approach?

This whole post is a joke, if you want to form an angry women mob go to google!!

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