Thursday, February 26, 2009

Somewhere Else

To my fellow readers Im now writing to you in my hostel
in Africa! Yes, to those that I havent informed Im on a student exchange
program in Africa and I'll be here for the next half year. Im actually
in Kenya to be exact. This place isnt too bad as I have everything I
basically need such as internet, transport and accomodation. Generally
people here look fierce but they are really friendly lol.

My uni is called Willsemeoli Anargul Kenya University and its located in the heart
of Kenya. To those who I didnt inform Im really sorry cos everything happened
so fast. Ill continue my foundation here and will be back for first year =)
Will update soon, gotta get to class.

Random Proverb of the day:
Virginity is not dignity, its the lack of opportunity.

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