What is love? In my own opinion I think it is something that is not innate. Love,
is actually a less primal form of lust. Just that over time, men have found a way
to tame lust and find a more civilized way of displaying it through love. Any doubts?
One of them is mammalian animal parents. They show their "love" towards their
young by protecting them and feeding them, I can honestly say it is just instinct.
Why do you think that mammlian parents leave their young at some point? Love
for their mates? Plain lust, no doubt about that. Its just their innate instinct to mate
and continue the existence of the species. Sometimes, this applies to humans as well.
Back to the point, why do we feel love? When you "love" somebody because they
are good looking, that isnt really love anymore, that is plain lust. Whats stopping
you from raping them upside down is because of constraints we have from the
law, morals, ethics bla bla bla. The only way to truly feel love in my own opinion
or from my own experience atleast, is to truly LOVE them. There is no other word
for it, no other way to show it. It is the most complex and mysterious feeling a
human can actually feel and yet those who have felt it can never explain how it
exactly feels to truly love someone.
To me, love is more than hugs and kisses. More than sweet talk. More than words
can ever explain. Its something that makes you happy, sad and angry all at the
same time and yet you get so addicted to it. It makes you brave, it brings out the
best out of you sometimes, it is one of the best forms of motivation and yet it can
tear you down and scar you for life. Some people say it is bullshit and they do it
for the sex or for show, to prove that you can score a girl or guy that is so hot. For
those who think that way, I feel more pity than disgust for you because you are no
different from all those animals out there in the wild, and they are the brainless ones.
I know I have no right to judge what about what other people feel or what they do,
but its just my own opinion thats all. As usual, I dont mean to insult or offend anyone
on this blog. Im just voicing out what I feel and what I can word out from my own
mouth. There is so much more that I would like to say, but perhaps for some other
I dont lust you,
I love you
is actually a less primal form of lust. Just that over time, men have found a way
to tame lust and find a more civilized way of displaying it through love. Any doubts?
One of them is mammalian animal parents. They show their "love" towards their
young by protecting them and feeding them, I can honestly say it is just instinct.
Why do you think that mammlian parents leave their young at some point? Love
for their mates? Plain lust, no doubt about that. Its just their innate instinct to mate
and continue the existence of the species. Sometimes, this applies to humans as well.
Back to the point, why do we feel love? When you "love" somebody because they
are good looking, that isnt really love anymore, that is plain lust. Whats stopping
you from raping them upside down is because of constraints we have from the
law, morals, ethics bla bla bla. The only way to truly feel love in my own opinion
or from my own experience atleast, is to truly LOVE them. There is no other word
for it, no other way to show it. It is the most complex and mysterious feeling a
human can actually feel and yet those who have felt it can never explain how it
exactly feels to truly love someone.
To me, love is more than hugs and kisses. More than sweet talk. More than words
can ever explain. Its something that makes you happy, sad and angry all at the
same time and yet you get so addicted to it. It makes you brave, it brings out the
best out of you sometimes, it is one of the best forms of motivation and yet it can
tear you down and scar you for life. Some people say it is bullshit and they do it
for the sex or for show, to prove that you can score a girl or guy that is so hot. For
those who think that way, I feel more pity than disgust for you because you are no
different from all those animals out there in the wild, and they are the brainless ones.
I know I have no right to judge what about what other people feel or what they do,
but its just my own opinion thats all. As usual, I dont mean to insult or offend anyone
on this blog. Im just voicing out what I feel and what I can word out from my own
mouth. There is so much more that I would like to say, but perhaps for some other
I dont lust you,
I love you